I’m currently available to see new clients in-person and via telehealth.
May 2025 be filled with peace and happiness!
Counseling Services in English and Spanish in San Diego. Therapy sessions are available in-person and via telehealth.
Does it often feel like you’re just reacting to life? Do stress, depression, and anxiety control you? Do you feel exhausted yet have trouble sleeping?
Or perhaps you have a teen who is struggling with stress, anxiety, or depression and you feel at a loss for how to help. Your teen seems overwhelmed and unable to enjoy life.
Counseling helps you understand the connection between the heart and the mind so you can better navigate your feelings. In the world of psychotherapy, we call this skill “self-regulation” and it applies to every part of your life.
In therapy, we focus on increasing self-awareness, especially in understanding what is in your control, your thoughts and behaviors. Therapy will help you gain new insights, practice effective coping strategies, and help you feel better.
As your psychologist, I will help you focus on making better life choices to feel better about yourself, have more control of your emotions, and ultimately, feel energized and able to experience more joy.
adult counseling
Counseling to help adults manage their anxiety, better cope with their depression, and effectively deal with daily stressors.
teen counseling
Counseling for teens who are overwhelmed, anxious and stressed, so they can learn effective coping and communication strategies.