5 Helpful Strategies to Create Your Morning Routine

It’s early in the morning and you want to stay cuddled under your blanket in your bed. You’re feeling tired and the last thing you want to do is get out of bed. You press your snooze button. Your mind is thinking about your endless to-do list for the day. Now you’re feeling stressed and it’s not even 8 am.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Mornings can be very challenging for many but please know that with time and patience you can create a morning routine that really works for you. Having a great morning routine can make all the difference in increasing your productivity, feeling organized, and achieving goals. The power of a morning routine is about allowing yourself to begin your day with confidence, a positive attitude, and a sense of peace. A sense of peace and confidence in your day can help you maintain positive emotional health and help you become much more resilient during times of stress.

5 Easy Steps to Start Your Day:

  1. Practice Stillness.

    Stillness first thing in the morning allows you to set the tone for the day. Activities like meditation, prayer, or deep breathing are all great examples of how to start your morning routine. Practicing stillness can help you feel focused, grounded, and ready to prioritize tasks effectively. It also helps set the tone of the day to help you feel calm, relaxed, and in control.

    Deep Breathing

    An example of deep breathing is to sit on the edge of your bed and practice 5 minutes of breathing. Think about your intention for the day. Pay attention to your breathing as you inhale and exhale.


    Per Tara Brach “It’s helpful to begin by settling yourself and calling to mind your aspirations and intentions—perhaps to calm and steady yourself, to find balance and kindness, to live more fully aware and present.” Meditation can be as simple as repeating a calming word for 5 minutes while you focus on your inhalation and exhalation. Over time, increase the amount of time you meditate and explore a meditation app like Headspace or Calm which provides you with various guided meditations.

  2. Gratitude Journaling.

    Research shows that gratitude journaling has many benefits like increasing positivity, improving self-esteem, increasing optimism, and reducing stress. While regular journaling has been proven to improve your well-being, making a point of jotting down all the things that you are grateful for can take the experience to a whole new level. Keep a notebook and pen on your nightstand. Before you get out of bed, write down 3 things you are grateful for that day.

  3. Drink a Glass of Water.

    Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach provides many great health benefits. Having a large glass of water helps boost your metabolism and increases energy levels. Staying hydrated is great for your skin, your metabolism, and your energy levels. Also, drinking water helps to lubricate and cushion joints.

  4. Move Your Body.

    Moving your body first thing in the morning helps to immediately boost your energy. Exercise increases the production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin, which enhances the body’s ability to deal with stressors. Research shows that people who exercise regularly are less stressed at work and more able to maintain a work-life balance.

    Morning stretching can stimulate your metabolism and increase circulation and flexibility. Before you get out of bed do some simple stretching on the side of your bed and then stretch for a few minutes as your standing next to your bed.

    -Go for a brisk mindful walk around your neighborhood and pay attention to your senses; what do you see, feel, hear, smell, and touch.

    -Consider doing an exercise class in your home. Turn on your tv and find a yoga class or cardio class on YouTube. Give yourself permission to make time to take care of your mind and body to prepare yourself for your busy day.

  5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast.

    A healthy breakfast allows you to fuel your body properly. It also helps you feel more focused and alert and can lead to more consistent energy levels. Research indicates that an ideal breakfast includes, fruits and vegetables, whole (unprocessed) grains, and healthy proteins and fats. More specifically, Dr. Mark Hyman recommends:

    - protein: eggs, nuts, chicken, salmon, or chicken sausage

    - healthy fats: nuts, chia seeds, avocados, nut and seed butter

    - fiber: fruits, flaxseed, chia seeds, avocados

    -low glycemic carbohydrates: non-starchy vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, spinach, tomatoes.

    Remember that creating change in your day requires time and patience. A morning routine can become a wonderful way to practice self-care. The most helpful habits are the ones you keep up with consistently. Practicing consistency will help your routine feel more and more natural over time. As you begin to see and feel the positive impact a good morning routine has on your day, you’ll find it motivating to continue practicing that habit.

For more information about creating time to take care of yourself, please call me at 858-243-2684.