Dr. Madeline Polonia’s blogs share various resources for teens and adults on how to better navigate anxiety and depression, learn effective coping strategies like HeartMath and understand the the power of self-compassion.
During this COVID-19 health crisis it is normal to feel stressed and anxious. Every day we hear about more problems and concerns that are impacting everyone everywhere. Our daily lives have been disrupted by being in quarantine and we are navigating uncharted territory.
In order to find some order in our lives we really need to focus on creating a daily schedule that allows us to take better care of ourselves given the multiple responsibilities with family and work. I think one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves is self care.
Suggestions for daily self care:
Focus on what is in our control every single moment of the day which is how we choose to think and behave. It helps remind us that in the moment we are ok and we do have control of our thoughts and behaviors.
Take 5 minute breaks a few times a day to practice diaphragmatic breathing. It allows us to focus on a deep inhalation through the nose and a deep exhalation through the mouth. Deep breathing calms our mind and body and helps us to be in the moment.
Make sleep a daily priority by trying to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, if possible. Prior to going to sleep, spend some time doing something relaxing that does not involve a screen.
Before you get out of bed in the morning practice a short guided meditation via YouTube or a free app like My Life or Calm.
Take 10 minute breaks a few times a day to stretch, walk around and do shoulder rolls, especially if you are sitting on your computer for extended periods of time.
Given the stressful circumstances, please practice more self compassion and patience with yourself and others.
Be mindful of what you are choosing to eat and focus on adding more color to your diet. Also be sure to drink plenty of water.
Make time for joy and laughter during the day and learn to laugh at yourself.
Limit the amount of time reading the news to the morning or afternoon since too much focus on the COVID-19 health crisis can fuel more worries and anxiety.
Make time to exercise ideally outside if possible. Being in nature helps us feel better emotionally and it can help reduce blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.
Given current quarantine restrictions and physical distancing, take time to connect with family and friends virtually on a regular basis to limit the feelings of isolation.
Limit the amount of time on a screen (phones, Ipads, laptops,...) and instead listen to music, play cards, board games or do a puzzle.
If you are struggling with self care, consider setting up a free phone consultation and we can discuss how counseling can be helpful.
Dr. Madeline Polonia
Dr. Madeline Polonia is a clinical psychologist in San Diego, CA. She offers services in English and Spanish and provides in-person and telepsychology sessions. Dr. Polonia works with teens and adults who are struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression.